Preston, England Temple

Our family had a relaxing and enjoyable time back in England. We chose to go to Preston, England for a week, which is where the the second temple in England is built. We had a fun time attending the temple a few times this week.

Preston, England is the first place outside of the USA that missionary were sent to in 1837, for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We visited the River Ribble, where the first English saints were baptized. This was special to us because, these saints are the beginnings of how a great part of both mine and Justin’s ancestors learned about the church and then immigrated to the USA. 

I enjoyed a few hours of looking through family and following my ancestors back to see what cities and countries some were from. I have figured out that I am about 3/4 English, 1/8 Welsh, 1/16 Danish and 1/16 German. That was very interesting to me. I definitely love the app. It is amazing seeing all the pictures and histories of my relatives that others have added. I encourage anyone who may read this to look into it. You will be amazed at how much you can learn about your ancestors.

Pemberley which is Lyme Park

We went to the estate at Lyme Park. It was beautiful and elaborate. This is also Mr. Darcy’s home in the 1995 movie of Pride and Prejudice (book by Jane Austen). Above, Eliza is standing where Mr. Darcy dives into the lake and has his change of heart.

This estate has a very interesting history, it was in the same family from 1346-1946 when it was then given over to the National Trust Society of England. As a visitor, it was fun to walk through the home which was set up to look like it was being lived in. The library having books open as if they were being read, tables that had card games being played and the dining table set for a grand meal.

English Walking Paths

We enjoyed the walking paths that were near our rental home. I have decided that English Men and Women really like going for walks. In the picture above, the land owner who legally had to keep the walking path, fenced the walking path between his two pastures so those walking on the path wouldn’t be in a field with his sheep.

I also think English people enjoy their tea time. However, I am still learning what “tea time” actually means. I have had conversations with people who had farm animals and they would bring the animals into the barn for “tea time” (put the animals to sleep inn the barn for the night, at “tea time”) and I have heard others talk about “tea time” as a time with family. What I am thinking, is that English Tea Time is similar to Spanish Siestas and Italian Riposo. Only the Spanish and Italian cook a meal and the English have tea and a small dessert or pastry. If you know more about “tea time” please let me know.

Albert Boat Docks in Liverpool

These Albert Boat Docks were the place where newly converted saints left their beautiful England home to sail to America. Most of these saints, left family and friends to go start a new life. Justin and I both have relatives who came through these boat docks after meeting missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ and migrated to New York and then continued on to Utah.

What an exciting, scary, happy and heart wrenching experience. The day we were there it was cold and rainy, which made me think of the many people who left through this port not knowing the hardships ahead of them on the cold damp boat, with sickness and seasickness and then to arrive in New York and continue 2,000 miles more to Utah. What an experience!

A Visit to Harry Styles Home Town

Yes you read that heading right. We went to the home town of Harry Styles and visited the bakery he worked at. The ladies who worked there were so nice. They told us the bakery has been owned and operated for 120 years by the same family. And boy did that family have their carrot cake recipe perfected! It was delicious. Yes, just as good as my mom’s carrot cake recipe, and my mom’s carrot cake is super good.

Hike Up Old Mans Hill

From this hike near our rental home, we could look out over the town of Chorley and see the Preston Temple in the distance. The pictures don’t give justice to the beauty of the green farm lands of England. We really loved seeing the green fields with sheep surrounded by rock fences and hedges.

The River Ribble

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