Lucca is a city in Italy know for its large fortress walls which surround the main city. I chose the rental row house we stayed in, because they had bikes we could use. I love to ride bikes and how fun to ride bikes in Italy.

We rented two additional bikes from a nearby bike shop. A medium bike for London and a larger one with a child bike seat on it that I used. London enjoyed learning to ride this bike, which was larger than the one she has back home. The bike path was about a block from our rental house, from the bike path we rode a mile to the walled city of Lucca. The wall was about thirty feet high and about fifty feet wide, with a really nice biking and walking path on top. There were even trees on top of the wall lining the path.

Attending An Opera

We were able to ride bikes to the opera! Riding the bikes was easier than finding a parking place and it was really fun. The opera was so wonderful. I was so amazed at how one person could project such sound, volume and loveliness. And, it was fun seeing my kids dressed up, riding bikes.

Visiting Siena and Eating Steak

We took a day trip to Siena. It is a beautiful city with medieval buildings. Previously, we watched Letters To Juliet, which showed bits of Siena in the movie, and we thought it would be fun to visit there as well. Their Duomo de Siena was beautiful with pink accents and gold paintings on the front facade. Siena is know for their beef and the boys were very excited to eat some steak. The waitress brought out an enormous steak, big enough for three! Eliza ordered a noodle dish with wild boar meat.

Catch-Up Week (School and Work)

This week in Lucca, was also our catch-up week. Catch-up for the kids with their school work. It was a well needed week. Our kids also counted up how many assignments they had left to complete before the term ends and how many days left in the term. They then figured out the number of assignments they need to complete each day. Luke has six assignments a day, Eliza four and Zeke ten! They can do this…Zeke transformed a storage room at the rental into his personal school room, equipped with an ironing board for his desk.

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