I want to start this blog talking about what we decided to do to try to cut costs in Venice with a big family and looking back, what we could have done better to save a bit. We are trying to not make this a vacation where you spend crazy amounts of money, but a living abroad experience where we try to live more as the locals, with occasional elaborate experiences.

We chose to rent an apartment off of the island of Venice to save money. We figured we would be spending most of our days walking around Venice and at night coming back for Justin to work, the kids to do school, shower and sleep. We bought tickets for the bus for 24 Euros, which included round trip for all eight of us, to ride to Venice and back. The bus was just down the street from our apartment and took about 15 mins to get to Venice. We also were able to stop and purchase cookies from a local bakery and fruit from a fruit stand for breakfast which was very affordable. When we arrived in Venice we had so much fun walking the brick pathways, no cars are allowed in Venice, which made the streets and paths so fun for walking. The streets and ally ways and bridges were incredible. I made a video in fast motion of us walking through Venice.

Venice is made up of 117 small islands that are connected with bridges and canals. When we were walking the streets, it truly felt unreal that we were really in Venice. It is so beautiful and the many ally ways and little stores everywhere were incredible. We decided to splurge and take a gondola ride. Justin and I were in awe as we rode through the water canals. Looking at the beautiful bridges and the colorful buildings. It is so interesting to see how others live in different areas of the world.

We learned that the most affordable, and in our opinion, the most delicious and filling meals were to buy pizza from the street shops rather that go into a restaurant and sit and have a meal. We could eat pizza and get gelato for half the price of eating in a restaurant. Plus, we all love pizza! The kids were joking that we were made for the pizza lifestyle.

The next day we decided to take a water taxi to the island of Murano and see a glass demonstration. This was very interesting and fun to watch the skilled craftsmen make things out of glass. This trip was on the expensive side, and as we look back on it, we could have done without it. All the glass cups, necklaces, art statues and earrings that were made in Murano were sold in Venice. But we did enjoy watching the skill the men and women had in making beautiful pieces of glass art.

We ended our day with some school work back in our rental apartment and some down time.

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