Verona is the place Letter’s to Juliet was filmed and the town of the Montagues and Capulet families of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. It is a tragic love story, but the town of Verona, claim it as the home of Juliet. Pictured above is Juliet’s balcony and a statue of Juliet. We were talking with our missionary daughter at the time we visited Juliet’s balcony and she later sent us a picture of herself in “Italy.” She is actually in São Paulo, Brazil and for her P-day she was able to go with her mission district to a mall which had a display of countries of the world. Oh we miss her, but we are so proud of her decision to serve the Lord and spread the gospel to others.

Next, we visited the Basilica di San Zeno Maggiore in Verona. This is the church that is traditionally said to be the place Romeo and Juliet were married. It was a spectacular place! I enjoyed the beautiful ceilings, the statues of the Savior and Twelve Apostles and the crypt (where the marriage of Romeo and Juliet took place). It was quite amazing with steps leading down from the main chapel room into the crypt with high ceiling and columns. In the main chapel there were paintings on the walls that were incredible. One painting had another painting painted over it, both of the Savior and both starting to crumble just enough to expose both the paintings. This church dated back to 967 AD.

As a side note for families: We have discovered most places that require tickets also have family passes. Which give a discount for 2 adults and 2 children. This can be useful with our array of ages we have in our family.

Lastly, we went to the Verona Arena, a Roman amphi theatre in Piazza Bra. It was built in 30 AD. It is still in use today for large-scale opera performances. As we stood outside of this magnificent, ancient arena and looked around, it looked as if we were standing in a movie set, with beautiful, colored buildings around a big courtyard. We ended with some famous Italian gelato that did not disappoint.

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